To answer the question about how we compare standard’s for beauty around the world, American journalist Esther Honig sent an unaltered portrait photo of herself to freelance Photoshoppers around the world. Her instruction to them was “make me beautiful”.

Figure 1: Honig. 2014. Before and After
Her project ‘Before and After’ gives us a glimpse of what others around the world consider to be beautiful. In the edits she received back, Honig’s face subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) is edited. Sometimes she has change form or shape in her face. Other times her skin colour has been altered.
This is an experiment I will carry out with my own photograph.
Perez, A. 2014. “This Woman Had Her Face Photoshopped In Over 25 Countries To Examine Global Beauty Standards”. BuzzFeed [online]. Available at: [accessed 7 June 2018].
Woman Had Her Face Photoshopped In More Than 25 Countries To Compare Their Beauty Standards. 2018. Bored Panda [online]. Available at: [accessed 7 June 2018].
Perez, A. 2014. “This Woman Had Her Face Photoshopped In Over 25 Countries To Examine Global Beauty Standards”. BuzzFeed [online]. Available at: [accessed 7 June 2018].