Notes from my recent portfolio review and discussion – recorded here for reference and action.
Key points:-
Technique excellent
Know how to use a camera
Great portraits
Good at directing people and getting exactly what is wanted
In figure 1, most effective crops are the two images on the left hand side. Have more direct ‘eye’ contact with viewer. You are drawn into to these images.
Have an excellent attitude to work – passionate and enthusiastic – should help me to progress.
Figure 1: Sutherst. 2018. Secateurs
Research the following:-
Masks and the uncanny
Roger Ballen
Surveillance at the Tate Modern
Ralph Eugene Meatyard
Jeff Wall
Matt Collinshaw
French photographer – rabbit masks
Consider the following for exhibition:-
Voyeuristic box with projection – peer in
Film stills?
Film or moving image?
Silent movie format?
Consider the use of full length colour images
Keep shooting rabbit mask along with other masks
Document EVERY thing
Consider sequences