“The very raison d’être of a selfie is to be shared in social media, it is not made for maker’s own personal consumption and contemplation . . . By sharing a selfie Instagram users express their belonging to a community, or a wish to belong to one.”
– (Tifentale 2014)
Quote taken from an essay which is part of Selfiecity, a research project led by Dr. Lev Manovich. Link to selfiecity.net
TIFENTALE, A. 2014. “The Selfie: Making sense of the “Masturbation of Self-Image” and the “Virtual Mini-Me””. D25rsf93iwlmgu.cloudfront.net [online]. Available at: http://d25rsf93iwlmgu.cloudfront.net/downloads/Tifentale_Alise_Selfiecity.pdf [accessed 24 July 2018].