Following the production of the contact sheets, the images below stand out as possible selections for the project.
The black solid mask gives a sinister feel to the narratives. This is the effect I was intending to acheive. In our online world, there are individuals who portray themselves as sweet, innocent, and very nice individuals. However, in reality their true selves are far from the portrayal. It is impossible for the viewer to determine the truth. This probably happens more than we imagine.
Some images are more successful than others. In particular, I feel that figures 1 and 2 are very effective. The direct stare at the viewer leads to a feeling of unease. Dialogue is created about the activity of the participant. Are they pruning a bush or attempting a burglary? The positioning of the secateurs, especially in figure 2, only add to this question.
The use of the flash in these images adds an oddness that serves to enhance the overall effect and feeling of unease when viewing them.
Figure 1: Sutherst. 2018. Secateurs 1
Figure 2: Sutherst. 2018. Secateurs 2
Figures 3 and 4 are also quite effective. Figure 3 leads to questions about road rage and angry drivers. However, in my opinion there is no consideration that the masked man could be a getaway driver for a robbery – after all it is a Land Rover Defender and isn’t going anywhere fast!
Figure 3: Sutherst. 2018. Driver
Figure 4 again features the direct stare of the masked man. Composition-wise the image works for me. However, I find the tonal range less successful. The image appears too grey to my eye. I will re-process to see if this can be improved in Photoshop.
Figure 4: Sutherst. 2018. Broom
Figure 5 contains a selection of other images from the shoot which stood out to me on the contact sheets. However, on viewing them individually, I am unconvinced about their strengths as stand alone images.
The sweeping images appear to me to be the weakest as there is no ‘eye’ contact with the camera and the participant is lost in the background somewhat.
The full length ladder image is less effective than the cropped images in figures 1 and 2. The eyes of the viewer are distracted by the background. Also the flash has cast an interesting (and distractingly annoying) shadow on the gate behind the ladder. his distracts the eye further.
In the Land Rover image the masked man is somewhat overshadowed by the car. The tighter crop in figure 3 is more effective.
Figure 5: Sutherst. 2018. Various Images