Figure 1: Sutherst 2017
When I started this module, my plan was to experiment with embroidery and other physical manipulations with the images. Best laid plans and all that…
This module has taken me through how to contextualise my practice and opened my eyes to practitioners that I hadn’t come across before and made me view other practitioners in different ways. I have become aware of the constructed works of Julia Fullerton-Batten and Sandy Skoglund. I have taken more notice of the work of and taken inspiration from practitioners like Cindy Sherman and Katy Grannan.
Over the last few months, I have become more and more interested in performance as a factor in the creation of an image. As someone who does not like to have their photograph taken, I am interested in how we behave differently in front of the camera and take on a character. I have found myself looking at more fashion photography and unpicking what the photographer and publisher are trying to tell us in the image. I now study advertisements for the hidden signs and I am looking for the extraordinary in the ordinary.
My practice has taken a diversion for the time being whilst I explore this aspect of my practice. I am excited as the diversion signs are all missing and I do not know where my journey will take me.