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Informing Contexts – Oral Presentation

Writer's picture: Jo SutherstJo Sutherst

This video was produced during week 10 of the Informing Contexts module.  The idea was that this would help us to start to critically contextualise our practice and get some feedback form other members of the cohort.

Members of my cohort were very generous with their feedback.  Things that were suggested for me to consider as I move forward are:

  1. The use of self-portraits in my work. I do have a shoot planned for this on 11th April 2017

  2. The exploration of the ethics of the photographer’s responsibility to the sitter situations where I am directing the subject

  3. To look at the work of Ralph Eugene Meatyard, as he uses masks in a different context but a useful compare and contrast

  4. Gallery displays of my work

  5. To create a sort of gender bending, fairy tale visual narrative; a story of the ventures into Gloucestershire towns by stealth and surprise.

  6. Showing some images that didn’t ‘work’ and an exploration of why.

  7. Consideration of audience – a broad audience could provide me with deeper suggestions about how to further develop my project

  8. Consider producing more outdoor portraiture.

  9. Could I produce a series of images based on, say, songs as a theme? Greenbaum’s “Spirit in the Sky” springs readily to mind here.  Or clients could be asked to choose an appropriate piece of literature as a basis for a theme?

  10. To de-construct and critique my own images a little more

  11. Consider work by Julia Margaret Cameron and Katy Grannan in order to contextualise my work further

  12. Look at advertising and include semiotic analysis

  13. Ensure all referencing is complete and correct

The exercise was really useful in being able to talk critically about my practice and to get the views from others.  This is a good starting point for my critical review of practice.



Barrie, J. M. 2015. Peter Pan (Word Cloud Classics). Reprint Edition. Canterbury Classics.


Barthes, R. (2000). Camera Lucida. 1st ed. London: Vintage.


Beckstead, D. From ShootZilla. 2017. 100 inspirational photography quotes – ShootZilla. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2017].


Godin, S. From ShootZilla. 2017. 100 inspirational photography quotes – ShootZilla. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2017].


Newton, H. In Portrait magazine. (2017). Seduce Amuse Entertain. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2017].


Winogrand, G. From Redeye. 2017. Photography is the most important visual art | Redeye. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2017]




Newton, H. Unknown title. From  [Accessed 22 March 2017].


Newton, H. 1981. Here they come II. From×716.jpg [Accessed 22 March 2017].


Mapplethorpe, R.  1986. Andy Warhol. From [Accessed 22 March 2017].


Shunk and Kender. 1960. Harry Shunk, Paris. From [Accessed 22 March 2017].

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