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  • Writer's pictureJo Sutherst

Sustainable Prospects – Being a Social Butterfly


Figure 1:, 2017

“The butterfly effect is a metaphor-namely a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere . . . In social media, a single flap or post can have a cascading effect. As social media tends to be viral, the effects are far-reaching and cumulative in nature, echoing the flap of the butterfly’s wings. Seemingly innocuous social media activity can essentially have much larger or unintended consequences in the future.”

– (Outbound Social Media Marketing Platform | NewzSocial, 2017)

Social media is becoming a bigger and bigger part of the development of my photographic practice.  In order to make sure that I flutter and don’t fall, I have come up with a strategy that I hope will help me to successfully cultivate growth across the various platforms I have a presence on:-

  1. Listen to the audience and ensure that my posts are on target and don’t get lost in the noise.

  2. Monitor the success of posts; what is hot and what is not.

  3. Keep doing small things that can be developed into bigger things in the future.

  4. Reach out and engage in conversation with other professionals and relevant online communities.

  5. Be active on social media – keep flapping and don’t ride the currents.

  6. Ask others for feedback and provide feedback when asked.

  7. Answer questions as soon as I can

  8. Reply to all comments on posts

  9. Build relationships online; be trustworthy and add value to conversations

  10. Spend some time each day researching conversations and then engaging with them.

  11. I will re-post good posts, especially those by influential people. This is easily achieved by sharing posts to my own followers.  I will be sure to include credit to the original poster, using phrases such as ‘thank you to ???’, ‘Retweet ???’ or ‘great post from ???’

I am hopeful that this strategy will help me increase my online following.  I intend to keep flapping, using to help me schedule new posts.


Outbound Social Media Marketing Platform | NewzSocial. (2017). The Butterfly Effect and Social Media: Fall or Flutter. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Oct. 2017].


Figure 1: (2017). Social (Media) Butterfly | Busy bee; it’s me, Lainy P.. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Oct. 2017].

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