To further explore facial expressions, I asked a model friend to produce as many faces as she could in a 20-minute photo session.
During the session, I continued to shoot every expression that she produced. As an experienced model, she is able to emote and to portray many different expressions. A selection of these are shown below in figures 1-3.

Figure 1: Sutherst. Gemma. 2017

Figure 2: Sutherst. Gemma. 2017

Figure 3: Sutherst. Gemma. 2017
Very often in photo shoots, much of the attention of the photographer and the publisher is given to the pose of the model. It is the pose that sells the clothes that the model is wearing. This means that little or no attention is given to the facial expressions of the model.
In my opinion, expressions make or break a photo shoot. Without a range of believable facial expressions, the model can appear vacant or soulless. The image will tell me nothing.
Gemma has a wide range of expressions, which add character and narrative to the images which require little or no further explanation to help the viewer understand and interpret the intent.
In my images, I am keen to ensure that the viewer can interpret the work, so expressions are an important part of my practice.